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bSuite 3 Released


[innerindex]I started bStat in 2005 when I ported my blog from pMachine to WordPress and needed to bring over the tools I’d built to identify popular stories and recent comments. I renamed it bSuite when I added tagging and other features to it. Now it’s bSuite 3.

Get it here. Get installation details here, and users of previous versions should check the upgrade instructions here.


CMS enabling goodies

  • Adds excerpt field to the page editing screen.
  • Adds category selector to the page editing screen.
  • A pagemenu thingie (token) to list the child pages of the current page.

Hacking goodies

  • Tokens are thingies you put in the post of page content that get replaced with the results of a PHP function. A number of tokens are built in, but they’re extendable; bSuite Slideshow offers one example of how another plugin could leverage tokens.



  • Zach, Matt, and Cliff have all offered more than their share of help throughout the development process.

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